Bridging the
gap between microplastics and human health.

What is Brigid
In 2022 Plastics Europe launched a five-year independent scientific research project with the aim to assess the potential risks to human health from microplastic exposure via ingestion.
Brigid gets its name from the Celtic Goddess. Part of the Tuatha Dé Danann, the Goddess Brigid is associated with health, protection, and wisdom.
These concepts are reflected in the three-armed Brigid’s cross, which has inspired the logo of our initiative – also a nod to the three-tiered experimental approach of cell, tissue, and organism testing.
Brigid is a research project that contributes to Plastics Europe’s Plastics Transition roadmap to circularity and net zero emissions by 2050.
Brigid has six ambitious objectives, represented in the project structure by thematic areas called Working Packages (WPs).
Brigid’s experimental work is performed by a consortium of independent researchers, from both public and private organisations.
Polymer types
These polymer types represent what people commonly encounter in their daily lives.
Advisory Board
Brigid has an Advisory Board of nine independent members, bringing their different backgrounds – science, policy, and governmental agencies – and perspectives together to recommend and advise on further steps.
Brigid works with five internationally renowned scientific partners from both private and public research institutes.