This privacy notice explains how We, PlasticsEurope AISBL (“Plastics Europe” or “We”, “us”, “our”), are committed to complying with EU Privacy Law. This privacy notice (the “Notice”) describes how We, as a controller of Personal Data, process the personal information of certain categories of Data Subjects that are not associated to us.
In carrying out our activities, We process Personal Data relating to consultants, contractors, suppliers, individuals registering for our publications and/or attending events and conferences, officials of the European institutions and EU agencies, EU Member State officials, journalists, and other stakeholders (“You”) in the policy areas that We are involved in.
We are a data controller. This means that We are responsible for deciding how We collect and use (process) Personal Data about You. We are required under GDPR to notify You of the information contained in this Notice.
Full notice file here below.